How to advocate for healthy electric buildings in 2022

In the halls of the Washington State Legislature and beyond, people are pushing for safe, comfortable homes and buildings. Here’s how.

Proposed energy codes could help new buildings be fossil fuel-free constructed with efficiency, health and safety in mind from the start.

Washington state has a unique opportunity to adopt the most climate-friendly statewide building energy code in the country. This opportunity to update and improve our building energy codes to incorporate the latest technologies comes up only once every three years, so each revision of the energy code must maximize what can be done to make buildings more efficient and transition away from fossil fuels. Learn more about how you can get involved, and please sign this petition to the State Building Code Council urging them to pass these groundbreaking updates to how we build for a resilient and sustainable future!

There are four bills the WA Legislature should pass to accelerate the transition to safe, electric buildings

A person in an orange t-shirt with a toolbox kneels to install a heat pump outside

1) Allowing public utilities to assist residential customers with upgrading to efficient electric appliances

HB 1767 / SB 5666 would clarify that public utilities have the authority to provide financial help for customer electrification projects (which investor-owned utilities like Puget Sound Energy already have), such as incentives for electric heat pumps for heating and air conditioning. Utilities must ensure an equitable distribution of benefits, and prioritize low-income communities in the transition to electric appliances. Learn more.


2) Setting smaller commercial and multifamily buildings on a path to less energy use and pollution

HB 1774 / SB 5722 would require energy data reporting and energy management plans in more commercial buildings (such as large grocery stores or some apartment complexes) to ensure these buildings are operating as efficiently as possible. The bill would provide building owners access to technical and financial assistance, with priority to frontline and low-income communities. Learn more.


3) Give cities another tool for efficient new buildings: a “reach code”

HB 1770 / SB 5669: Local jurisdictions in Washington state are currently restricted from passing residential energy codes that are stronger than the state code set every three years by the State Building Code Council (SBCC). This bill would create a uniform, optional code, that “reaches” beyond the state minimum requirements for energy use in building design and construction. Any local jurisdiction would have the option to use the statewide code or adopt the stronger reach code, which creates an opportunity to reduce climate pollution, improve public health, and hasten the jurisdiction’s transition to a cleaner economy. Buildings last for decades — let towns build them right from the get-go! Learn more.


4) Require gas utilities to plan for meeting the state’s climate pollution limits

HB 1766 / SB 5668 In 2021, the state legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act, which requires gas utilities to reduce their emissions in line with statewide emissions targets, hitting a 95% reduction by 2050. To make sure that gas utilities are prepared for this transition, these bills would require gas utilities to create Clean Heat Transition Plans by January 2024. These plans would provide a roadmap for how each utility will reduce emissions to meet the state’s climate pollution limits while ensuring our most vulnerable communities benefit from the transition. Learn more.


5) Invest in Healthy Homes, Family Wage Jobs, & Climate Action: Weatherization Plus Health

Washington’s Weatherization Plus Health program helps households living in poverty conserve energy and improve health through home improvements. Every dollar spent on weatherization directly improves families’ access to affordable housing and health improvements, creates jobs, and tackles the climate crisis. The legislature should restore base funding for Weatherization Plus Health, and take full advantage of federal funds to scale up this proven program. Learn more. (Photo: Building Performance Center)